Kenall was the prime consultant for the Janisch Relief Sewer and Lift Station Expansion project. This project included removal and replacement of 2,300 linear feet of existing sewer with 8-24 inch sanitary sewer beneath several neighborhood streets, and design of a new 2.53 MGD lift station, including electrical, mechanical & instrumentation and a force main to handle wet weather flows. The project was located in a residential neighborhood in close proximity to a school and full access to the school at all times was a primary concern during the design and construction.
Kenall performed alternatives analysis and recommended the most viable alternative to the City’s technical evaluation committee. We also were responsible for all aspects of the preliminary engineering and final design, hydraulic model review, and environmental assessment (including addressing permit issues for the microtunneling effort, which crossed under a bayou under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Harris County Flood Control District).
City of Houston
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