Kenall supported the City of Houston in complying with its Administrative Order to eliminate sewer overflows and upgrade its wastewater system, as part of the Greater Houston Wastewater Program (GHWP), a $1.2 billion plan to control wet weather overflows and provide relief to the overburdened sanitary sewer system.
Kenall was responsible for determining the most cost-effective combination of sewer relief, wet weather facilities, treatment plant enlargement, pump station construction or upgrading, and sewer system rehabilitation to reduce overflows in several service areas within the City of Houston, in compliance with the Administrative Order from TNRCC and EPA.
Kenall constructed hydraulic models of the trunk sewer network, estimated the peak wet weather flows, evaluated the capacity of the existing system to convey these flows, developed alternatives for controlling wet weather overflows and estimated the cost of each alternative.
City of Houston
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