Northeast Water Purification Plant

City of Houston

Home ยป Northeast Water Purification Plant

Kenall provided construction management services associated with the construction of a new 40 million gallon per day water purification plant and intake structure on the west shore of Lake Houston, and the installation of a transmission pipeline to connect to the City of Houston Water system at Hirsch Rd and Little York. The project included construction of a fully expandable plant including 5 flocculation/sedimentation basins with floating clarifiers, eight filter basins, a clearwell with three transfer pumps, a UV disinfection building with four reactors, two process basins, two gravity sludge thickeners, a sludge dewatering press, a 10-MG storage tank, a chemical building including bulk storage tanks, an administration building, 4,000 linear ft. of sanitary and storm sewer systems, a stormwater quality basin, 4,500 linear ft. of roads, and a 138 KV substation. Associated projects included installation of 31,000 linear ft. of 42-in. water main, 31,000 linear ft. of 84-in. water main and 8,000 linear ft. of 66-in. raw water pipe, and installation of a one mile Reliant HL&P high voltage electric power supply circuit.

Kenall performed construction management, project management, and document management services for all project components. Our responsibilities included reviewing and processing of contractor invoices for payment; coordinating engineering consultant requirements for site investigations; overseeing contractor and subcontractor activities and quality management; preparing Owner’s position documents for requested design changes; issuing memoranda of deficiency for non-conforming work; coordinating communications and meetings with City of Houston Public Works; ensuring compliance with TNRCC, Corps of Engineer and EPA permits; monitoring Harris County and City of Houston inspections of the project; reviewing and processing general correspondence; and monitoring treated water quality for contract compliance during start up activities.




City of Houston


